
EssentialPIM – An Interactive Email Client for Businessman

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Nowadays, we can see that emails are no longer limited to sending and receiving or even managing messages. Still, they are leading towards proper integration with additional apps and software. Being the primary mode of communication between businesses, emails have started playing a crucial role in a businessman’s life. Whether it is for exchanging conversations, sending quotations, or cracking deals, a business person can use and write emails in a versatile way

Most importantly, a businessman has to maintain more than one email account to maintain relations with clients or businesspersons. But it requires a more skilled mindset and proper management to make the most of them. In the absence of appropriate maintenance, they are on the verge of losing important information on the go. Moreover, the businessman also needs to record similar or different passwords for all the email accounts.

So, is there a way to incorporate all the emails under a single roof? The answer is definitely yes. We can’t make you remember all your passwords. Still, we can guarantee you will quickly sort all your emails and many other functions to increase your productivity through our perfect email client – EssentialPIM

Read on for knowing how this utility software can add to your productivity, bringing a complete shift in your prototype of working.

Effortless Communication with the Email Module

Emails are the most secure means of communication that are cheap, fast, easily accessible, and replicated effortlessly. Whether you are doing business on a smaller scale in your community or globally, a sorted email module helps you a lot. Business people have to keep an eye on many things, including stock supplies, maintenance of many documents, employee payroll, etc. For this purpose, keeping different emails sort out things initially, where each email has another job. However, when workload increases, it becomes bothersome to keep a tap on all of these email accounts.

This requires an efficient email organizer to revolutionize the business game. The email module helps better manage emails, whereas better integration is possible with the Contacts module. Sending newsletters or even receiving them was never so seamless. The ‘All Inboxes’ folder in EPIM allows users to keep a tab over multiple accounts under a single canopy. 

Moreover, if you are not happy with a single view, you can instantly switch to vertical, horizontal, Vertical in Groups, or even Wide view mode. The layout menu provides you with all the varieties in Views, and you can choose any one of them as per your need or preference. Often people in business need to sort and filter messages sent through vendors, clients, etc., so EssentialPIM looks after this well. With EPIM Pro, the users can easily create and send newsletters to multiple contacts in a single click. 

Moreover, if you also complain of receiving many spam emails and it takes you time to find your important email, then EPIM has a solution for this one. You must be aware of the time taken to delete all the emails, and being a businessman individually, you will always be too busy to do this. EPIM Pro lets you filter all of it with daily usage by adapting to your ways and detecting emails to keep you sorted.

You need to train it by manually marking the spam messages. You can do this by hitting the ‘Mark as Spam’ button. Alternatively, there is also an option of choosing the ‘Mark as Not Spam’ button for the messages marked falsely. With all these facilities, if you are worried about your data and emails’ safety, you need not worry, as, with PGP encryption, it is in safe hands. 

Be Up to Date with the Calendar Module

Business people are often held up with numerous activities for the day. This occupancy may make them skip some tasks requiring attention at the workplace, and it is a tedious task to keep track of them. A personal secretary can be helpful in this regard; however, human error is possible with anyone. Moreover, if you are still a startup, you may feel the crunch to avoid unnecessary expenses. So, with EPIM, you are no longer required to go for any of these options as your secretary is right here to make appointments and act as a scheduler.

The Calendar module in EssentialPIM keeps you up to date by assisting with any upcoming schedule. So, if you need to prepare for an investor’s meeting the next day or make an important call to the vendor, you will be reminded well in time. The Calendar Module appears like Day, Week, Month, Week agenda, Year, and Table. You can set the view as per your preference. E.g., if you wish to know when you need to take medicine in a day, you can set it today. Alternatively, if you want to see when your next meeting will happen, you can set it to Week. 

Moreover, with some alterations in the calendar view, you will be able to try your hands on a particular set of categories as per your requirement. With the ‘Go-To date’ feature, you can immediately skip to a specific date to set a reminder for an important meeting or even a birthday reminder of an important person. EssentialPIM makes sure you never miss out on any important event or even a lunch date with your favorite person.

Keep in Touch with Important Contacts Through Contacts Module

Being a businessman, you must often require a meeting with new clients, investors, or essential persons to fulfilling your work perspective. You usually jot down their contact details on a piece of paper or take their business card, and it gets lost. Or it may happen that you cannot remember the context of meeting a particular person. In such a case, EPIM helps you store important contact details precisely so you can never lose them. 

Additionally, it also assists you in sending newsletters to your contacts directly with a click. If you have gathered more than a handful of references related to the same or similar category, you can add them to a particular group. Once you add contacts, you can quickly sort them by using filters appropriately in the search bar. For example, you can sort the contacts based on the first name, last name, email address, phone number, job title, or other details.

Collect Important Data in the Notes Module

A Businessman often feels the need to jot down essential data or information; however, they may fail to do so in the absence of pen and paper. Sometimes an idea clicks their mind, and if not recorded properly, they may not be able to recall it later. For such cases, EPIM offers you a Notes module to note down essential tasks, any critical information related to functions, or anything else. Moreover, it is a safer option, too, as if you lose the paper with some vital data, it may hamper your security. While making it fall into the wrong hands can disturb your peace.  

With EPIM, the information is just a click away, while noting it somewhere may require you to spend hours searching. If you maintain a particular book as notes and have switched it with a new one, your information can also be gone. But, with EPIM, you can find anything you recorded even months ago in a fraction of seconds. As per the sensitivity of your data, you can also set the security to private or public in EPIM. It is helpful when your system is also accessible by other persons. 

If you are falling prey to forgetting tasks needing immediate response, you can find them on time with sticky notes in EPIM. These sticky notes are available on your Desktop for reference at any time. You can even arrange them by a hierarchy of importance or alter their structure with an easy drag and drop option. Besides this, if you wish to create an appointment or task directly with Notes, you can also do that by using the contents from this module.

Get Your Tasks Finished on Point with the Tasks Module

The Tasks Module in EPIM lets you assign tasks to a particular person and keep a record of it. You can save a history of the start time due time and even sort the functions by the degree of their completion. Additionally, you can set the tasks based on priority as Highest if they are urgent and require immediate action or Low if they can be done later. 

If you manage your business remotely and your employees are located at different places, you can also sort your tasks by location. You can also sort them by status and attachments. This practice will make your day more productive, and you will be able to keep a check on the work status from anywhere.

Working with Passwords Through the Passwords Module

EPIM has an effective management tool for passwords wherein a person in a business can easily store various passwords safely. If they wish to generate new passwords at any time, they can do so by using defined patterns. As soon as a password gets properly saved or stored, you can quickly get it auto-typed in the web forms by using a single click.  

Once you have too many passwords to maintain, EPIM provides a handy solution. There are many sorting options available for passwords such as attachments, title, password, URL, and the facility to make notes on the same. It will allow you to find them quickly at any time. If you do not want anyone to change the passwords, you can turn them to read-only mode.


If you are looking for a ‘gold standard’ in email clients, EssentialPIM can be trusted fully because of its sorted modules. A business person can easily manage their work from the comfort of their home, office, or anywhere in the world. Separate modules offer enough utility to cover all the aspects of your business precisely without making you feel the need for an additional person. Now, you can focus on increasing your business and contacts without missing any critical updates.

Not only does EssentialPIM makes your important data accessible easily, but it can synchronize it with applications and services like iCloud, Dropbox, Nextcloud, CardDAV, and many more. Synchronization with EPIM is done either in 1-way or 2-way to assist you in providing identical copies of user data in the cloud. If you are looking for more on-the-go options, you can use this cross-platform utility through a USB flash drive without considering an additional download. EPIM helps increase your productivity, making you achieve your business or life goals on time.

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