Verizon Email

An-All-Out Guide on IMAP, POP3, and SMTP Protocols to Set Up a Verizon Email Account.

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Emails have always been of help to users ever since the inception of these emailing services. The company of Verizon was among one the many who offered great email services to the users up until 2017, when the company decided to part ways with the emailing business to focus on other services such as IPTV, Fios, and phone services. 

But worry not as the webmail service of this firm continues for the users who migrated their email addresses to two better-emailing platforms are Yahoo and AOL. To top all this, not only can you simply send and receive emails along with the management of your mails if you have and login to a Verizon email account simply with the use of Yahoo and AOL email services. 

However, if Verizon email is not working then, you can also do all of this on any email client that is installed or available on your device, irrespective of whether it is an iPhone, Mac, Windows, or android. 

But before you can do so, you will need to manually configure your email account, that is. In simpler terms, you will need to set up your Verizon email account in the email client if you want to send, receive, and manage emails.

To do so, you will need to use the Verizon Yahoo email settings or the AOL email settings correctly. Similar to all other email services, this email service also includes SMTP, IMAP, and POP when it comes to the configuration settings of Verizon email. 

In case you are unaware as to what these are, you have come to the right place as today we will be talking about these email protocols so one can use them to the best of use while configuring his or her email account in an email client. 

Basic Introduction to SMTP, IMAP, and POP

Let us now take an overview of SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocol concerning Verizon email service

SMTP Protocol

Better known as the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, SMTP is the standard protocol for sending emails all across the internet.

With the use of SMTP, a user can send, reply, and even forward your Verizon emails from an email client such as Outlook and Yahoo mail to a receiving email server. 

Let us now take a look at the SMTP protocol for Verizon email that works in three ports by default.

  • Port 25- Non-encrypted
  • Port 2525- Also a non-encrypted port if for some reason port 25 is filtered
  • Port 465- A secure port

IMAP Protocol

Commonly known as the Internet Message Access Protocol, the IMAP is used to download incoming emails but there are a few important differences.

For instance, the POP3 protocol only allows the user to access your email from a single application but IMAP allows you to access your emails by multiple clients simultaneously.

This in turn further concludes that when it comes to retrieving emails IMAP seems more suitable out of the two for you to access your Verizon email via different locations. This helps the user, even more, when your messages are managed by multiple users. 

The IMAP protocol for the Verizon email works on two different ports.

  • Port 143- Non-encrypted port
  • Port 993- Secure port

POP3 Protocol

POP3, also known as Post Office Protocol Version 3 is known as a standard mail protocol. The role of this protocol is to download and store all of the incoming emails from a remote server to a local email client. 

Once you have done so, there is no need for you to go and check the inbox online. In simpler terms, it means that while a user is using the POP3 protocol, he or she can access their Verizon emails in offline mode as well. 

Let us now see the two ports that the POP3 for Verizon email works on.

  • Port 110- Non-encrypted
  • Port 995- Secure port

Now that we have a pretty good idea as to what IMAP, POP3, and SMTP protocols are, here is what we have come up with. These protocols are responsible for the incoming and outgoing mail delivery process of an email service. The SMTP protocol is responsible for the email delivery process while on the other hand, the IMAP or POP server protocols simply take care of the final receiving of the emails by the recipient after you have logged in to your Verizon email account. 

By now, you must have known without the use of these incoming and outgoing server protocols, you will be unable to send emails nor will you be able to receive which kind of is the whole point when it comes to configuring a Verizon email account with its SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 server settings.

All in all, it is basically to ensure better mail delivery, which is why there is a need to configure your Verizon email account on an email client of your choice with the use of the incoming and outgoing mail server settings of Verizon email.

Incoming server settings of Verizon email (both IMAP and POP3)

You can use the simple details that are given below in case you ever decide to configure your Verizon email account with the use of POP3 as the incoming server protocol. 

Here is the POP3 (Post Office Protocol) server of the Verizon email service.

Incoming (POP) mail server settings for configuring Verizon email account

  • Verizon AOL hostname for incoming server-
  • Verizon Yahoo hostname for incoming server-
  • Incoming mail server port-
  • SSL encryption- tick yes for this field
  • Authentication- tick yes for this field

Login information for Verizon email account

  • Email address- type your full Verizon email address, for example,
  • Password- fill your mail password
  • Authentication- tick yes for this field

These are the Verizon POP settings.

These details can help you get started with the configuration of your Verizon email account via IMAP as the incoming server protocol, you can simply make good use of the details given below;

Incoming (IMAP) mail server settings for the configuration of your Verizon email account

  • Incoming server hostname for Verizon AOL-
  • Incoming server hostname for Verizon Yahoo-
  • Incoming mail server port- type out 993 in here
  • SSL encryption- tick yes for this field
  • Authentication- tick yes for this field

Verizon email account login information

  • Email address- enter your full Verizon email address, for instance,
  • Password- enter your mail password correctly
  • Authentication- tick yes for this field

Now that we know about both IMAP and POP3, let us take a look at the SMTP protocol.

Outgoing server settings of Verizon email (SMTP)

As opposed to the incoming server settings that include IMAP and POP3 protocol, the outgoing mail server only includes the SMTP protocol. 

This makes it easy for you as no matter whether you enter IMAP protocol or POP3 protocol settings in the incoming mail server when it comes to your Verizon email account, you will always need to use the SMTP protocol settings that are mentioned below for the outgoing server of your Verizon email account.

Here is the SMTP (Service Mail Transport Protocol) server of Verizon email service.

Outgoing (SMTP) mail server settings for configuring Verizon email account

  • Outgoing server hostname for Verizon AOL-
  • Outgoing server hostname for Verizon Yahoo-
  • Outgoing server mail port- use 465 with SSL and 587 with TLS respectively
  • SSL encryption- tick yes for this field
  • TLS encryption- tick yes for this field
  • Authentication- tick yes for this field

Verizon email account login information

  • Email address- type out your full Verizon email address here
  • Password- fill your Verizon mail password here
  • Authentication- tick yes for this field

One can use the Verizon IMAP setting, Verizon POP3 setting, and Verizon SMTP setting to set up your Verizon email account with relative ease. You can use these settings to configure your Verizon account on the email client of your choice. All you need to do is to either use Yahoo or AOL for your Verizon email settings to set up the account, and you are good to go. You can also use other email clients if you don’t think that the two are good enough.

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