eCommerce email marketing has grown in popularity in recent years and it’s one of the most effective marketing tools out there.

Whether you’re new to eCommerce email marketing, or have embraced it for a while, here are some email marketing tips that can help you take it to the next level.

Clean Out Your Subscriber List

Your subscriber list is the core of email marketing and it holds data of anyone that’s ever signed up for your newsletter. If you’ve been utilizing email marketing for a while, it’s likely that you’ll need to do a bit of an audit and a clean.

The truth is, it’s always better to have fewer subscribers that are highly engaged rather than plenty of subscribers that aren’t going to open your emails.

To clean out your list, you can consider creating a segment of individuals who haven’t opened your email in the past six months. Then, send through a reactivation campaign with an enticing offer or ask if they’d like to remain on your subscriber list. If they don’t open the email, remove them accordingly. 

Review Your Engagement Data

It’s important to be constantly reviewing your engagement data and evaluating the best email campaign that you’ve sent so far along with the worst. Make sure you’re looking at open and click-through statistics.

Make sure that you’re also adding a tracking code to your email marketing campaign – especially if you’re using Google Analytics. The tracking code will let you know which email campaigns are bringing in the most customers.

Segment Emails Where Possible

Automated emails are important in eCommerce so make sure that you’re segmenting emails according to purchase history, interests, etc. Even though they’re automated, remember that your emails should still be customized and engaging. 

Use Creative Ways to Grow Your Subscriber List

Growing your subscriber list takes time, but here are some ways to grow it:

  • Give your subscribers a chance to download your guidebook or e-book, but they’d need to subscribe to your newsletter first.
  • Launch a giveaway that will require individuals to sign up for your newsletter. 

A/B Test Your Emails

This is an important one and something that isn’t too difficult to do. A/B split testing can provide you with valuable information on what’s working and what’s not. You can test anything from the subject line placement to the color of your CTA button and more.

One thing to remember, however, is that each segment is different so make sure you’re not applying the results of one segment to the entire database. 

Plenty to Look Forward to with eCommerce Email Marketing

Marketing in the past was focused on delivering the right message to the right person. Now, there are multiple dimensions to look at when it comes to eCommerce email marketing.

Make sure that you’re always optimizing based on the behaviors of your customer, and taking their needs, wants, and preferences into consideration.