Communication and emails go hand in hand and thus every member of each age group owns an email account that they use for different purposes. Furthermore, having multiple email accounts has become quite a common trend as communication needs are rapidly changing in this fast-moving world. However, while creating an email account, providing a phone number is something that concerns most users. Sharing your phone number with your email service provider might enhance the security factors of your email account, but there is no surety about where it would be saved after you discontinue the service. Therefore, a big group of users wants to avoid sharing their contact numbers.
So, if you are the one who needs an account without any phone number verification, we have top 10 email services that won’t ask for phone number verification and offer you their services without taking any sensitive information such as a mobile number.
1. is a Germany-based email platform that doesn’t require a phone number to create an account. All you need is to fill in a few personal details and you are all set to go.
- To create a new email account with, go to the sign-up page and provide the required information such as username, personal details including First name, last name, country/region, State, and Date of Birth and then enter a password and repeat the same to confirm it.

- Then, you see an option stating “Password recovery options”, there you should select “By email” instead of “By SMS” even though it is recommended.

2. Tutanota
Tutanota offers next-level security and thus millions of people rely upon this email service for being not only reliable but for requiring no phone number verification during registration. This service is laden with a wide range of features such as 1 GB storage and no advertisement; everything is for free. Creating an account with Tutanota is a cake-walk.
- Just go to the sign-up link and select the “Free Plan”

- Then, confirm that you don’t own any free account earlier and that you won’t use this account for business.
- Now, just provide the personal information such as username to create an email address, then create a password and then repeat the same, accept the terms and conditions, and check the option that you are above 16 years.
All set! Your free Tutanota email account is ready without any phone verification.
3. ProtonMail
ProtonMail is a free email platform that originated in Switzerland. This email offers 500Mb of storage and 150 emails every day. ProtonMail has a very unique feature of sending encrypted emails to other users; all encrypted emails contain passwords and automatically expire within a few days after being sent. The best thing is, the email does not need any phone number verification.
- To create an email account with ProtonMail, visit the sign-up page and select “Free” from the available options.

- Then, click on “Select Free Plan”

- Next, you need to provide very basic information such as username/domain, Password, and recovery email (optional). With these basic details, you can get a free ProtonMail email account with an extensive range of features.

4. Yandex
Yandex is a Russian email that is perfect for those who want a free email sign-up without a phone number. Well, Yandex does ask for your phone number, it also provides you with an option to skip it if you select “I don’t have a telephone number” at the time of registration.
- If you want to create your Yandex email account, go to the Yandex sign-up link and add details like First name, Last name, login username, password (twice to confirm), and select “I don’t have a mobile phone”

- You will then be asked to set a “security question” like your favorite musician etc.

- Then, enter the characters and then accept the terms and conditions. Your Yandex email account is ready to use.
5. TempInbox
TempInbox is another email platform that offers its services for free and without any phone number verification. Having said that, this email can only be used to receive emails so for those who want email services just to receive information and not to share it, TempInbox is an ideal choice for you.
- Signing-up with TempInbox requires no phone number; just a couple of steps and you are sorted. Go to and type in the username of your choice and accept terms and conditions.

- After that share the email address with people from whom you want to receive emails.
6. Guerilla Mail
Guerilla Mail is a very popular disposable email service that enables you to create an email account for temporary use and thus this email demands no phone number verification. You can easily create an email address for one-time use.
The best thing is the sign-up process is not long and tiring, just visit, compose an email, and send it to any email address. Moreover, you get the benefit of attaching files up to 150 MB, and thus it is perfect to share emails without providing any phone number.

7. OpenMailBox
OpenMailBox allows you to send emails anonymously; from a free account to 5GB of storage space, this email service is a boon to web users. You won’t feel any difference between your traditional email services such as Gmail, Yahoo! Mail,, and OpenMailBox because the interface is equally smooth and features are alike.
With every email, you get the opportunity to assign attachments up to a file size of 500 MB. Moreover, it provides multilingual support for English, French, Italian, Irish, and Polish users.
- If you want to create a new account with OpenMailBox, visit and enter a username of your choice.

8. Inbox.LV
Inbox.LV is a Latvian email service client that doesn’t ask for any phone number verification to create an email account. Not only email services but there are various other facilities that Inbox.LV has for you, such as Inbox Games, Inbox Calendar, Inbox Foto, Inbox Files, and 20+ more.
- It is very easy to sign-up with Inbox.LV, go to the sign-up page and type in the required information such as username, first and last name, and Password of your choice, it’s done!

9. Mailnesia
Mailnesia is a renowned email service that is not only best for email tasks but it has a lot more to offer. A few highlights of Mailnesia email are:
- Automatic clicking on registration links
- Support for HTML
- Multiple Text encoding
- Other domain names
- Every mailbox has an RSS channel
- Each mailbox contains Assignable alias
With all these services, Mailnesia stands out from the crowd and offers you everything for free. Most importantly, it works without any phone verification. Just go to, and
10. GMX Mail
GMX is an email service offered by Global Mail eXchange and available as webmail with IMAP4 and POP3 protocols. It offers its services for free because the platform is supported by advertisements. However, it includes a 50MB attachment limit but there is no restriction on storage.
Signing up with GMX doesn’t ask you to verify your phone number but mentioning an alternate email address is required for the sake of the security of your account. Go to the GMX sign-up page and follow the process by providing details like username, First name, last name, Country, State, Date of Birth, and password. Then, select “By email” instead of choosing “By SMS”. This way you can get a fresh email account without providing your phone number.

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